Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Student Leader Investitures 2014 - Haig Girls' School

This is the time for the long tradition in Haig Girls's School where some of the girls received their roles as leaders in the school. And Miza had received some roles as well this year. She has more responsibilities to carry, that she needs to be extra careful with how she lives her life and being a role model in school accordingly to the badges she had earned.

She said she received the roles that she always dreams of, they are related to the things she loves to explore in school on top of her academic duties. She wants to be involved more in Art and Information Technology in school. As she joins the school D3T2 program for Art and Infocom, she receives the roles in accordance to that as well. 

She received duties as : ICT Leader, Art CCA Leader, Cyber-wellness Ambassador, Art Ambassador, and Time-Out Ambassador. It is going to be fun and exciting journey as she will have to switch between one role to another role. She said she is not going to wear all the badges everyday, she will wear it in accordance to the roles needed for each of the day.

All the best for the girls that received their new roles. Enjoy the journey and learning as being a small leaders between the community and school. It is not about badges or ties at the end of the day, it is about the role and responsibility we need to carry forward as leaders. It is about Lead by example ..... And let me share with you the video I had gathered for that day.